Monthly Archives: January 2015

World’s Worst Blogger Award Goes To….

Me. And it’s not like I am using this space to advertise a business or promote my work…..I just like to write my stories about our life. I miss blogging. I miss sharing my creativity. I miss writing. I just don’t really have a lot of time anymore. I need to get back on track. Even if no one reads this. Even if I don’t share anything creative for a while. I want to write to remember. I lost all of my content on my old Blogger blog, and it stinks, because it would be so much fun to go back and read through everything. That time of my life with my daughter was hard. And going through everything that we went through was hard. I love this place in our lives. She has learned so much. I have also learned so much. My fiancee and I are really close to being married now. And back when my blog lived somewhere else, that wasn’t even close to being mentioned. The thing is, life is so funny. Having been married before, to a man who could not have children, I can’t even imagine being where I am today. Having a 4 year old, being engaged again, in a house that we are buying……it’s surreal. It’s part of my story. And I want to be able to share that somewhere. I usually like to stay pretty private about my personal life. I have been burned too many times to trust anyone to get close to me. I have to be the one to get close first. But something about feeling anonymous on the internet feels oddly comfortable to me. I don’t know why. Maybe I shouldn’t be so open, maybe I should. I guess I can navigate all of these feelings as I go. But for now, I guess this is just me. Dumping everything inside my head out at the moment for (probably) no one to read. You never know though….maybe one day this old blog will make me famous. But for now….adios. 😉

A few things…..^that was originally written in July, 2014. It is now January 2015. That should seal the deal on my being the World’s Worst Blogger.

And secondly, I don’t think this blog will ever make me famous. 😉